Kim Lamphier Bikeways Network Program 

FY26 application will open this spring and will be subject to new eligibility criteria, please stay tuned as this page is updated.

The Kim Lamphier Bikeways Network Program provides grant support for a wide range of bicycle network development activities. The program supports projects that maximize bicycle access and enhance last-mile connections to work, school, shopping and transit. The Bikeways Program seeks to leverage past investments in bicycle facilities, complement existing state, local, and federal programs, and promote biking as a fun and healthy transportation mode. The program prioritizes funding projects which improve safety and access for disadvantaged communities. In 2025, the Bikeways Program adopted new program eligibility criteria, allows new project types, and updated grant processes. All applicants who apply in 2025 will be subject to the new program guidelines and should refer to the updated program materials and guidance on this webpage.

  • Maryland local governments, alone or in partnership with other jurisdictions or private organizations
  • Maryland State Agencies
  • Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)
  • Transit entities operating in Maryland
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Federal public lands agencies

NEW in 2025: To be eligible for funding through the Bikeways program, a project must meet at least two (2) eligibility criteria:

  • Access to Transit: Project is located within three (3) miles of a rail transit station or major bus transit hub.
  • County Priority: Project is identified as a transportation priority in a County’s most recent annual priority letter submitted to MDOT.
  • Sustainable Community or Bicycle and Pedestrian Priority Area (BPPA): Project enhances bicycle circulation within, or access to, a Maryland Sustainable Community area or a BPPA.
  • Main Streets or Major Institution: Project enhances bicycle circulation within, or access to, a designated Maryland Main Street or major institution (more than 1,000 people on its campus or grounds daily, such as universities, hospitals, shopping malls).
  • Access to Low Income area: Project enhances bicycle circulation within, or access for disadvantaged communities (identified at the Census Tract level using the Climate Solutions Now Act’s 2022 definitions of overburdened and underserved communities).
  • Safety Intervention: Project provides a significant safety intervention on a Vulnerable Roadway User roadway or project provides a Level of Traffic Stress reduction of 3 or more levels.

The complete eligibility criteria and metrics are available in the Bikeways program overview.

Eligible Areas Interactive Map

  • Design
    • For Design Plans and Feasibility Assessments of proposed or potential bikeways up to 65% design.
    • To assess issues, such as environmental impacts, right-of-way issues, ADA compatibility, local support, and cost estimates.
    • Maximum grant award for Design projects $400,000
    • NEW in FY26: Please note that funds for final design will only be approved for projects which do not intend to pursue federal funding or future Bikeways funding for construction.
  • Minor Retrofit
    • For installation of low-cost treatments to enhance bicycle routes
    • May include bicycle route signing, pavement markings, bicycle parking, automated bicycle counters, drainage grate replacement, and similar low-cost treatments.
    • NEW in FY26: Complete Street intersection treatments on roads with bicycle facilities and state of good repair projects to resolve once-off (not ongoing operational) maintenance issues on bicycle routes are now eligible as minor retrofit projects.
    • Maximum grant award for Minor Retrofit projects is $200,000.
  • Construction
    • For construction or installation of bikeways infrastructure which have reached at least 65% design at the time of application.
    • May include shared-use paths, bicycle and pedestrian bridges, protected bike lanes and other major projects.
    • Maximum grant award for Construction projects is $500,000.
  • Grantees are required to provide a minimum of 20% of total project cost as match. The matching fund contribution can be in the form of cash (provided by applicant jurisdiction or third party) or an in-kind contribution.
  • When Bikeways funds are used as the local match to federal funding, a local match is still required for the Bikeways portion of the project.

Eligible applicants are encouraged to submit a letter of intent to inform the Bikeways Program of the organization’s interest in applying for Bikeways funding. The purpose of the letter of intent is to inform MDOT of the organization’s interest and provide guidance to the Bikeways staff on how many organizations will apply for funding. Letters of intent may also provide an opportunity for MDOT Bikeways staff to discuss the applicant’s project and ensure that key elements are included in the submitted application. The letter of intent should include:

  • Project Title
  • Project Description (purposes, multimodal connections, affected neighborhoods and other relevant information)
  • Physical Limits of Project
  • Estimated Project Cost: Estimates can be preliminary to reflect the anticipated costs of project tasks
  • Anticipated Bikeways Funding Request Amount; and
  • Contact information of likely project applicant including name, title, organization, email address and phone number.
The period for FY26 applications will open in April and run through May 31.

Kim Lamphier was a tireless supporter for safe, bicycle access across Maryland. Over the course of her career, Kim lead efforts to increase bicycle infrastructure funding, update the Three Foot Law and eliminate Styrofoam from the State of Maryland. In 2020, the Maryland General Assembly voted to rename the MDOT Bikeways Program in Kim's honor.