MDOT Federal Discretionary Grants

To learn more about federal grant opportunities, please visit the U.S. Department of Transportation Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Grant Programs webpage and MDOT’s Grant Information webpage, as both are updated frequently.

Project Highlight! The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) announced on November 6, 2023 that it has awarded the following projects within Maryland.

  • B&P Tunnel Replacement Program: Frederick Douglass Tunnel (Up to $4,707,571,556)
  • Bush River Bridge Replacement Program (Up to $18,800,000)
  • Gunpowder River Bridge Replacement Program (Up to $30,000,000)
  • Susquehanna River Bridge Replacement Program (Up to $2,081,215,100)
  • Baltimore Penn Station: Master Plan (Up to $108,320,000)
  • Multi-State – NEC South End Infrastructure Renewal and Speed Improvement Planning (IRSIP) Study (Up to $21,600,000)

The Northeast Corridor Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program (FSP-NEC) funds capital projects consistent with the Northeast Corridor Project Inventory (NEC Project Inventory). This program solicits applications for Major Backlog, Capital Renewal, Improvements, Stations projects, and Planning Studies outlined in the NEC Project Inventory.

MDOT has recently updated its Federal Discretionary Grants Map Application.
View it in full screen here or interact with it directly below:

Below are charts that encompass Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) projects that have been awarded, completed, and pending federal review.

Pending MDOT Applications Under Active Consideration

Project Name

Connecting Howard Street's Commercial Corridor



Grant Program

Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Transportation Grants Program (formerly TIGER)

Federal Funding Request


Federal Fiscal Year


Project Description: The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) is seeking $25 million for the Connecting Howard Street's Commercial Corridor (the Project), which aims to improve safety for all road users, increase transit operational efficiency, and set the stage for the continued economic development of a critical corridor running through downtown Baltimore.

Project Narrative

Project Name

The Cresaptown Triangle Project Infrastructure Improvements



Grant Program

Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Transportation Grants Program (formerly TIGER)

Federal Funding Request


Federal Fiscal Year


Project Description: State Highway Administration (SHA) is seeking $6.9 million to support the construction of significant transportation improvements at and around the intersection of US 220 and MD 53, which will reshape the overall functionality of transportation in a small, rural and underserved town emblematic of Appalachian life in Western Maryland. The Project will achieve this vision by upgrading a vital freight and regional roadway corridor to be safer, more efficient and more accessible; rerouting truck traffic from residential streets; and introducing new pedestrian infrastructure.

Project Narrative

Project Name

Expanding Rural Transit Options: Washington County Bus Facility Project



Grant Program

Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Transportation Grants Program (formerly TIGER)

Federal Funding Request


Federal Fiscal Year


Project Description: The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) is seeking a $2.8 million planning grant to complete final design of a new administrative, maintenance and transit vehicle storage facility in Washington County. This Project will enable Washington County Transit (WCT) to meet the demands of the growing Hagerstown-area population and a burgeoning industrial and logistics job base by providing safe, reliable, and community-responsive transit services.

Project Narrative

Project Name

Maryland Area Rail Infrastructure Accelerator (MARIA)



Grant Program

Regional Infrastructure Accelerators (RIA)

Federal Funding Request


Federal Fiscal Year

2024 (Tier 2)

Project Description: The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) is seeking $2 million from the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Regional Infrastructure Accelerator (RIA) Program to develop innovative financing strategies for the accelerated development of a pipeline of rail projects in the State of Maryland. The Maryland Area Rail Infrastructure Accelerator (MARIA) includes several rail lines including MARC, Light Rail, Metro, Purple Line, Red Line, and State-owned freight. MARIA will be housed within the MTA, and will formalize partnerships with relevant partners, local jurisdictions, metropolitan planning organizations, asset owners, host railroads, and others.

Project Narrative

Project Name

Maryland's Chesapeake Country All-American Road - Tourist Information



Grant Program

National Scenic Byways Program

Federal Funding Request


Federal Fiscal Year


Project Description: Work completed under this project will follow guidelines and recommendations set forth in the existing CMP and interpretive plan to develop tourist information to the public, including interpretive information along the Chesapeake Country All-American Road (CCAAR) in the form of signage. Specific locations will be finalized after completing a NEPA analysis for the design, fabrication, and delivery of 25-30 informational byway hubs for key locations and 50-70 interpretive wayside panels. This project benefits the traveler by enhancing safety, providing interpretation, and linking points of interest together that are focused on the byway’s intrinsic qualities. The project’s goal is to instill a greater appreciation of the byway in the visitor, along with a desire to protect the intrinsic qualities the byway has to offer.

Project Narrative

Project Name

Maryland's Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O) Canal Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Plan & Tourist Information



Grant Program

National Scenic Byways Program

Federal Funding Request


Federal Fiscal Year


Project Description: Maryland’s C&O Canal Scenic Byway is one of the most historic transportation corridors in the nation. Its proximity to C&O Canal National Historical Park (NHP), Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail (NST), Appalachian NST, Great American Rail Trail and Potomac River Water Trail provides easy access to world-class outdoor recreation. A grassroots-driven and collaborative CMP that helps recognize, preserve and enhance the byway’s intrinsic qualities is vital to furnishing economic and quality of life benefits to the byway community. A CMP is also instrumental in ensuring enjoyable, sustainable and well-maintained visitor experiences throughout the byway corridor while marketing it to domestic and international audiences delivers economic return-on-investment to the byway community and the governments who invest in CMP implementation.

Project Narrative

Project Name

Culvert Replacement – Runway 10 Approach Road Over Stony Run



Grant Program

National Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration Program (Culvert AOP Program)

Federal Funding Request


Federal Fiscal Year


Project Description: The project will replace a twin 60" corrugated metal pipe (CMP) culvert over Stony Run, traversed by Runway 10 Approach Road at the Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI) in Anne Arundel County, MD. The culvert will be replaced with a pre-cast concrete bottomless design that will improve fish passage. The two pipes have deteriorated along with active erosion of the headwall, requiring routine maintenance to clear debris impediments from the upstream extent and to allow traffic to access critical navaids. The culvert replacement will improve aquatic connectivity by opening approximately 14.3 miles of upstream habitat along Stony Run, located in the Deep Run-Patapsco River HUC-12 (020600031102) watershed. The project also aims to decrease flooding events and associated effects, such as sedimentation, pollution, and blocking necessary airport traffic.

Project Narrative

Project Name

MTN Solar Array Implementation



Grant Program

Airport Improvement Program

Federal Funding Request


Federal Fiscal Year


Project Description: This project request funding to continue MAA’s commitment to solar power generation and begin implementing the solar initiatives prioritized in the Study (the Project).

Project Narrative

Project Name

BWI Solar Array Implementation



Grant Program

Airport Improvement Program

Federal Funding Request


Federal Fiscal Year


Project Description: This project request funding to continue MAA’s commitment to solar power generation and begin implementing the solar initiatives prioritized in the Study (the Project).

Project Narrative

Project Name




Grant Program

Voluntary Airport Low Emission (VALE) Program

Federal Funding Request


Federal Fiscal Year


Project Description: This project request funding for procurement and installation of up to 250 electric charging ports to support electric ground support equipment (eGSE) that airlines will purchase for use at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI Marshall or the Airport).

Project Narrative

*MDOT Mode: The Secretary’s Office (TSO), Maryland Aviation Administration (MAA), Maryland Port Administration (MPA), Maryland Transit Administration (MTA), Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA), State Highway Administration (SHA), Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA)

MDOT Coalition Awarded Applications

Grant Program

Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP)

MDOT Federal Matching Contribution

$60 million

Federal Fiscal Year


Award Amount


Project Description: This Project will enhance community safety, foster new economic and workforce development opportunities, and directly address historic wrongs. This would be the first phase of a broader vision that is emerging in conjunction with the West Baltimore United Planning Project (currently underway) that include additional highway cap space up to three city blocks and reclamation of portions of US 40 for uses that better serve the community. Phase 1 of the Project will be a first major step toward transforming West Baltimore into a more vibrant community and enabling it to realize its full potential.

Project Narrative

Project Name

Clean Corridor Coalition – A Proposal for Zero Emission Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicle Infrastructure along the I-95 Corridor


TSO and Maryland Department of Environment

Grant Program

EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grant

MDOT Award Amount

$81.1 million

Federal Fiscal Year


Project Description: The Clean Corridor Coalition (C3) proposal will initiate strategic planning and accelerate transformative investments in zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicle (ZE-MHDV) charging infrastructure along the I-95 corridor and adjacent roadways from Connecticut to Maryland. This initial investment of funding for truck charging infrastructure would be a critical down payment for zero-emission freight movement in the participating states— Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland—and catalyze the deployment of zero-emission freight trucks in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region and beyond. This corridor contains large population centers, major ports and freight facilities, and was identified as a ‘Phase 1’ priority in the federal government National Zero-Emission Freight (ZEF) Corridor Strategy.

Project Narrative

Awarded to MDOT

Grant Program

Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE)

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: This Project will address critical safety issues at four private highway-rail grade crossings located along a nearly two-mile section of CSXT’s Philadelphia Subdivision freight rail line. Between 2007 to 2023, these rail crossings experienced more than the statewide average number of train-vehicle crashes, resulting in one fatality and 16 injuries. This project will address heightened safety risk through immediate safety feature enhancements at each crossing, in conjunction with a grade crossing elimination and consolidation study of long-term solutions. For this project, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) will partner with CSXT and Baltimore County, MD.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: SHA will advance ADCMS adoption by supporting the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) in expanding its successful Precise 3D Survey and Engineering of Transportation Infrastructure (P3DSETI) pilot project. P3DSETI is an integrated platform that features storage directories, or “buckets”, for housing three-dimensional (3D) scans of transportation assets, 3D models used in design, two-dimensional (2D) line drawings of facility systems, as-built drawings, and other asset data necessary to manage the design, construction, operations, and maintenance of transportation infrastructure. The pilot expansion activities proposed include establishing and validating standards, processes, and workflows that can be adopted by other jurisdictions; improving data processing, storage, and security while platform and data libraries expand; increasing scanning equipment, training more staff to use the scanning equipment, and teaching staff to process and load their scans into P3DSETI; and transferring knowledge between MCDOT and MDOT SHA.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Prioritization Process Pilot Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: MDOT is seeking funds to improve its existing prioritization process for capital programming and develop a new needs identification process for long-range planning. PPPP funding will enable MDOT to build a robust and meaningful public engagement and stakeholder consultant process, create user-friendly online tools to easily search projects, view project scores, and create accountability in project prioritization decisions, and enable continuous public input opportunities to ensure the project prioritization factors remain modern and reflective of the evolving needs of all Marylanders.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Innovative Finance and Asset Concession Grant Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) will perform an asset scan to evaluate potential transit-oriented development (TOD) and parking optimization opportunities at commuter rail stations owned by MDOT. With the State of Maryland currently lacking in TOD, its existing transit assets and stations are not optimized to fulfill their role in connecting people, jobs, and opportunities. As a catalyst in driving TOD, MDOT is building a joint development program whereby it pursues TOD development on State owned land adjacent to its transit systems. Currently, MDOT has over 300 acres of State-owned land adjacent to transit that is primarily serving as free parking lots for transit riders and adjacent uses.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI)

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)

Award Amount


Project Description: The study will perform an assessment of trespassing on active railroad rights-of-way across the state. This Study will develop a program of approaches of varying cost and complexity as a “toolbox” for reducing injuries and fatalities associated with trespassing on railroad property and providing a safe transportation network in Maryland.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Airport Terminal Program (ATP)

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency

Federal Aviation Administration - FAA

Award Amount


Project Narrative: This award partially funds the construction of a new Airport Traffic Control Tower, replacing the 82-year-old sponsor-owned tower that has reached the end of its useful life. The new tower will be a stand-alone facility located near the airfield midpoint, on an elevated site providing climate change and operational resiliency. The construction/relocation of a replacement tower assures MTN is able to continue as a GA reliever airport for BWI Marshall Airport and the Washington-Baltimore region. MAA was awarded $5,400,000 in FFY 2023 toward this project.

Grant Program

Airport Infrastructure Grant Program / Supplemental Discretionary Grant Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: The DX-DY Apron Reconstruction is an important project to maintaining the airfield pavement at BWI Marshall Airport. The project will reconstruct the asphalt pavement in the apron between Concourses DX and DY as well as Taxiway T between Taxiways B and C. The pavement will be replaced with durable concrete pavement which will extend the useful life of this section of the airfield and prevent pavement failures that could result in unplanned impacts airport operations. The project incorporates numerous features to improve sustainability and resiliency of the BWI Marshal Airfield, such as drainage system improvements, installation of an oil-water separator, LED light fixtures, and light-colored concrete pavement that will not contribute to urban heat island effect.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE)

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

Grant Program

Airport Infrastructure Grant Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: The Maryland Aviation Administration (MAA) was awarded $617,763 for the design of comprehensive pavement reconstruction in PCC DX/DY Apron and Adjacent Taxiway T. The project will also address any geometric deficiencies, replace any existing incandescent lighting/signage and provide new signage to extend its useful life and enhance safe airfield operations during low visibility conditions at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport.

Grant Program

Airport Terminal Program (ATP)

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency

Federal Aviation Administration

Award Amount


Project Narrative: The Passenger Movement Modernization Program is a multiyear program at BWI Marshall to replace aging infrastructure related to improving the efficiency and movement of passengers in the terminal building. The program will address replacing Passenger Boarding Bridges (PBBs), elevators, escalators and moving walkways to improve the movement of travelers and their bags between aircraft and ground transportation. This grant specifically requests funding to complete the replacement of 14 PBBs at end of their useful life and have an average age of 22 years.

Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

A Martin State Airport Decarbonization Roadmap Audit will be completed to identify best practices to achieve greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions including low or zero-emission vehicles, renewable energy production, energy efficiency assessments, and other measures. The scope of the project includes the following key focus areas:

  • Develop a Decarbonization strategy that is consistent with MAA’s Environmental Mission Statement and FAA‘s Airports Climate Challenge initiative
  • Conduct Conduct comprehensive emissions inventories focusing on Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions with the option to additionally take inventory of Scope 3 emissions
  • Forecast future uncontrolled Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions in growth areas
  • Identify initiatives and focus areas for mitigation of Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG
Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

A BWI Decarbonization Roadmap Audit will be completed to identify best practices to achieve greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions including low or zero-emission vehicles, renewable energy production, energy efficiency assessments, and other measures. The scope of the project includes the following key focus areas:

  • Develop a decarbonization strategy that is consistent with MAA’s Environmental Mission Statement and FAA‘s Airports Climate Challenge initiative
  • Conduct comprehensive emissions inventories focusing on Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions with the option to additionally take inventory of Scope 3 emissions
  • Forecast future uncontrolled Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions in growth areas
  • Identify initiatives and focus areas for mitigation of Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions
  • Evaluate whether a microgrid has the potential to reduce GHG emissions
Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

Comprehensive pavement reconstruction of Taxilanes N & N1 in the alley between Concourses D & E. Pavement within the project limits have Pavement Condition Index values rated from Very Poor to Fair and need replacement. This project will reconstruct the existing asphalt pavement with concrete paving and provide new pavement markings and LED lighting as required.

Benefits anticipated:

  • Reduced potential for pavement failures, operational impacts, and Foreign Object Debris generation.
  • Conduct comprehensive emissions inventories focusing on Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions with the option to additionally take inventory of Scope 3 emissions
  • Improved operability and safety.
Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

Second phase of Taxiway F Relocation to comply with FAA standards for airfield geometry. This project will relocate the FAA ALSF shelter and associated infrastructure, and construct a new concrete taxiway connecting Taxiway F Phase 1 and Runway 10.

Benefits anticipated:

  • Relocate and extend Taxiway F west of Phase 1 to its connection with Taxiway R and the Runway 10 End to provide the required runway to taxiway separation.
Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

The Voluntary Airport Low Emissions (VALE) Program involves the purchase and installation of preconditioned air (PCA) and ground power units (GPUs) - collectively, gate-electrification equipment and upgrading the electrical infrastructure as required to support this equipment at BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport.

MAA intends to install four six-ton PCA units and four 400Hz GPUs at four gates: Gate C2, Gate D7, Gate D21, and Gate D22. The 400Hz GPUs at Gate C2 and Gate D7 will have an optional 28-volt DC unit available for use with regional jets.

PCA units supply heated/cooled air to parked aircraft so that passengers are comfortable as they enplane and deplane. GPUs provide power to aircraft for internal lighting and to ensure continuous power for navigational instruments. When used simultaneously, PCA and GPUs enable parked aircraft to forego the use of APUs, resulting in a reduction in both fuel consumption and the associated emissions.

Benefits anticipated:

  • Improvement in local air quality
Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description

Obstruction marking/lighting/removal (non-hazard)

Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

Replacement of the existing lighting vault at BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport. The existing ALV is at the end of its useful life and constricts the entrance to B/C Alley for aircraft. The new facility will also provide a level of resiliency by segregating circuits by runway and reduce the potential for a single point of failure affecting the entire airfield.

Benefits anticipated:

  • Improved airfield capacity
  • Improved systems resiliency
  • Improved energy efficiency
Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

As an integral part of the community, the Maryland Aviation Administration (MAA) strives to be a “good neighbor” and participates in the FAA’s voluntary CFR Part 150 Airport Noise Compatibility Program. In 1987, consistent with FAA guidance and standards, MAA initiated a Homeowners Assistance Program and Voluntary Residential Acquisition Program for areas surrounding the BWI Marshall Airport. To date, more than 700 homeowners have participated in the Assistance Program and over 200 properties have been acquired. This Residential Sound Insulation project is the continuation of MAA’s ongoing efforts to mitigate aircraft noise impacts for eligible residences and promote compatible land use within the 65 DNL noise contour.

Tasks include:

  • Ongoing Program Management and Homeowner Engagement
  • Construction Management Phase 1A for 18 Single-Family Units
  • Design Phase 3 for 64 Single-Family Units
  • Design Phase 4 for 140 Multi-Family Units
Grant Program

Airport Improvement Program (AIP)

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Award Amount


Project Narrative

As an integral part of the community, the Maryland Aviation Administration (MAA) strives to be a “good neighbor” and participates in the FAA’s voluntary CFR Part 150 Airport Noise Compatibility Program. In 1987, consistent with FAA guidance and standards, MAA initiated a Homeowners Assistance Program and Voluntary Residential Acquisition Program for areas surrounding the BWI Marshall Airport. To date, more than 700 homeowners have participated in the Assistance Program and over 200 properties have been acquired. This Residential Sound Insulation project is the continuation of MAA’s ongoing efforts to mitigate aircraft noise impacts for eligible residences and promote compatible land use within the 65 DNL noise contour.

Tasks include:

  • Program management and oversight
  • Construction Management Phase 1B & Acoustical post-testing for 20 single-family homes
  • Construction Management Phase 2 & Acoustical post-testing for 203 multi-family homes
Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

Taxiway F currently runs in an angular direction, providing a connection between the Runway 10 End and the Terminal. Taxiway F is located north of Taxiway R, and in its existing configuration does meet the required separation distance, additionally neither the intersection with Runway 15R-33L or its intersection with the Runway 10 end currently meet standards. The ultimate alignment of Taxiway F will also allow for relocation and extension of Taxiway R in the future, without impacts to operations, in order to provide the required runway to taxiway separation. The Relocation of Taxiway F will be completed in two project phases.

Benefits anticipated:

  • Phase 1 - New alignment will provide access to a concurrent maintenance hangar development project and relocate a portion of Taxiway F to provide the required runway to taxiway separation.
Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

The Amtrak catenary structure located north of the Runway 15 end is a penetration to the various approach surfaces to the runway. In collaboration with Amtrak, this project will design modifications of the structure to allow relocation of the transmission lines below ground and a reduction of overall structure height. In addition, the design will allow MAA to negotiate and execute a reimbursable agreement with Amtrak to execute the subsequent construction of those modifications. Per the current Airport Layout Plan and 2022 National Environmental Protection Agency Record of Decision, this project will enable reclaiming usable runway length while meeting airspace protection standards thereby improving operational utility and enhancing the level of airport safety.

Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

This project will construct a new Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) and Checked Baggage Reconciliation Area (CBRA); new outbound baggage make-up facility including transfer input lines, a baggage screening reintroduction belt for international transfer baggage, and a manual encoding station for mis-sorted bags. The proposed project will create a consolidated BHS with a capacity in excess of 3,500 bags per hour.

The new system will include modern energy efficient components reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, eliminates existing capacity constraints, and accommodates increased passenger traffic to meet BWI's 2032 approved forecast of 34 million annual passengers; thereby promoting competition.

Grant Program

Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant (MPDG) / Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA)

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: The Project, currently at 90 percent design, will replace portions of the reinforced concrete deck in the cantilevered sections of the bascule spans on both of the Curtis Creek Drawbridges and in Approach Spans 21 and 22 on the Inner Loop bridge, over Curtis Creek in Baltimore, Maryland.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: The I-895 Baltimore Harbor Tunnel (BHT) Enhancement Project will streamline a critical juncture in the Baltimore area’s interstate system that provides key connections to the Port of Baltimore. The existing infrastructure in this project area, including the I-895 mainline, bridges, and interchanges in this location, is unable to keep pace with traffic demand and the toll plaza represents an aging, collision-prone, pollution producing bottleneck in the region’s highway system. This project will modernize 1.1 miles of assets by replacing the toll plaza near BHT with an overhead gantry for electronic toll collection and the design, reconstruction, and reconfiguration of the mainline and interchanges along I-895 at Frankfurst Avenue and Childs Street in Baltimore.

Grant application narrative link

Grant Program

Port Security Grant Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


The MDTA Police Marine Unit will purchase a detection System to enhance the Marine Unit’s capability to detect, deter, and prevent potential attacks.

Project Narrative Link

Grant Program

Port Security Grant Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


The MDTA Police Marine Unit will replace its aging 36-foot Sea Ark Dauntless vessel and purchase a 38-foot full cabin high-performance vessel which will increase law enforcement capabilities.

Project Narrative Link

Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


The proposed project involves final design and construction activities to replace three older, non-regulated emission diesel-electric switching locomotives with three (3) new battery electric locomotives and one (1) battery charger at the Port of Baltimore.

The project will help advance efforts to provide a rail connection between the Penn and Camden Lines, improving operations and reliability for passenger rail and freight train service.

Project Narrative Link

Grant Program

Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP)

Federal Funding Request


Federal Fiscal Year


Project Description: Phase 1, consists of the rehabilitation and replacement of 597 linear feet of wharf deck including pilings, substructure, storm water drainage, utilities, and installation of new mooring bollards, cleats, pneumatic fenders, flood barriers, and tidal gates. This construction will enable the Port to safely reopen Berth 11 to accommodate automobile and High & Heavy Roll On/Roll-Off (RORO) cargo ships.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Port Security Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: This grant will enable the MPA to analyze inter-dependencies between operating critical infrastructure and associated cybersecurity workflows, with the objective of identifying and resolving resiliency gaps in systems and networks hindering the systematic deployment of cybersecurity remediation processes at MPA Marine Terminals.

Grant Program

Reduction of Truck Emissions at Port Facilities

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

MDOT will conduct a phase 1 flood vulnerability assessment and mapping for improving coastal resilience at MDOT MPA terminals and facilities. Specifically, to identify ways to reduce operational impacts associated with floods and storm events via identification of potential future mitigation efforts. Proposed study will include the following MDOT MPA Marine terminals and facilities - Dundalk, Seagirt, Fairfield, Masonville, North Locust Point, South Locust Point, Hawkins Point, World Trade Center, Access Control Center, Point Breeze Properties, and St. Helena Property. Proposed activities include inventory of existing data; stakeholder communication events; analysis of flooding risks and threats; and evaluate potential mitigation options. MDOT MPA will develop prioritized matrix of resiliency options for each facility. It is expected that a future study will involve additional, detailed engineering of the options, and include construction recommendations.

Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description

Build four new working rail tracks and two crane rail beams at Seagirt Marine Terminal.

Grant Program

Clean Ports Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Award Amount


Project Description: The project will support the procurement of 213 new Zero Emission (ZE) vehicles and equipment and the associated charging infrastructure to improve air quality surrounding the Port of Baltimore (POB) and adjacent disadvantaged and underserved communities while advancing Maryland Port Administration’s mission to become a net zero-emissions facility.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Clean Ports Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Award Amount


Project Description: The project includes an updated and expanded emissions inventory, an emissions reduction strategy, a workforce analysis, and a comprehensive community engagement plan.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA)

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Award Amount


Project Description: Replacement of 42 nonroad diesel-powered equipment units including; thirteen (13) terminal tractors, twenty-three (23) forklifts, three (3) tire manipulation trucks; two (2) diesel-powered mobile pumps, and one (1) diesel-powered air compressor. Eight (8) of the terminal tractors will be replaced with zero-emission units, and the remaining four (4) units will have Tier 4 Final engines. The forklifts will be replaced with zero-emission units. The other equipment will have Tier 4 Final engines.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE)

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: The project includes a feasibility study to evaluate the viability of a new, ADA-accessible grade-separated pedestrian and bicycle crossing. The project will enhance safety, as the project will reduce pedestrian and bicyclist conflicts with rail traffic and reduce the risk of trespassing.

Project Narrative

Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description

Develop plans and complete environmental work for the future renovation of the Martin Airport station on its Penn commuter rail line to make it safer and fully accessible. The station, located north of Baltimore requires riders to cross multiple tracks to board the train.

Grant Program

Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE)

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

Grant Program

All Stations Accessibility Program (ASAP)

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

Grant Program

Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

Grant Program

Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) – Stage 1

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: The Maryland Transit Administration is seeking funding to prototype and develop a plan for the deployment of cloud-based transit signal priority (TSP) technologies along bus route corridors in northwest Baltimore. Cloud-based TSP presents a potential solution to the relatively high costs and operational limitations of the GPS-based TSP used in Baltimore and should increase reliability of MTA’s bus transit system for everyday travel and as well as during special events.

Grant application narrative link

Grant Program

Rail Vehicle Replacement Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency

Federal Transit Administration

Award Amount


Project Narrative

Grant Program

Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


The proposed project includes planning and project development to replace Maryland’s 110-yearold, two-track, movable Bush River Bridge in Harford County, MD, with a high-level fixed structure or structures with four tracks. Signal, interlocking, and electric traction upgrades are also included in the project. The project benefits Amtrak’s intercity services and Maryland Area Regional Commuter Penn Line service, as well as freight operations.

Grant Program

Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


The proposed project includes project development activities to replace the 110-year-old, two-track Gunpowder River Bridge near Chase, MD, with a new four-track structure. In addition to replacing the existing structure, the project will replace or upgrade associated signals, interlockings, and electric traction power infrastructure. The project benefits Amtrak’s intercity services and Maryland Area Regional Commuter Penn Line service, as well as freight operations.

Grant Program

Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


The proposed project includes final design and construction of the Baltimore and Potomac tunnel replacement, to be known as the Frederick Douglass Tunnel. The project constructs a new two track tunnel for passenger rail use, three ventilation facilities, and an approach track. The project also reconstructs associated railroad and roadway bridges in the project area and rebuilds the West Baltimore commuter station to accommodate the new railroad alignment and upgrade the station to fully accessible high-level platforms. Upon completion, speeds along this segment will increase from 30 mph to 110 mph, eliminating the slowest section of mainline track between Washington, D.C., and New York City. The tunnel is used by Amtrak’s intercity services and Maryland Area Regional Commuter Penn Line service.

Grant Program

Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


The proposed project includes project development, final design, and construction for investments at Baltimore Penn Station in Baltimore, MD. The scope includes renovations and restorations throughout the historic existing station headhouse; updates to utility systems; construction of a new entrance, train hall, and waiting area; and new Amtrak operations facilities. The project benefits customer experience and accessibility for Amtrak intercity passengers and rail and Maryland Area Regional Commuter passengers.

Grant Program

Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


The proposed project includes final design and construction for two new fixed, two-track bridges over the Susquehanna River between Havre De Grace and Perryville, MD, replacing the current117-year-old, two-track structure that is beyond its useful life. The new spans will improve upon the 90-mph speed on the current structure, with one span designed to support 125-mph operation and the other for up to 160-mph operation, reducing travel time for thousands of daily passengers along the Northeast Corridor. The crossing is used by Amtrak’s intercity services, Maryland Area Regional Commuter service, and freight service. The project will improve state of good repair and provide additional capacity to meet future growth.

Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


The project will help advance efforts to provide a rail connection between the Penn and Camden Lines, improving operations and reliability for passenger rail and freight train service.

Project Narrative Link

Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description

Transportation enhancement projects that will perform safety, accessibility, state of good repair, and sustainability improvements in West Baltimore.

Project Narrative Link

Grant Program

Rail Crossing Elimination Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount

up to $1,534,280

Project Description

The proposed project will support planning activities and construction of minor safety improvements at an existing at-grade crossing as well as fund a long-term study to grade separate the crossing. The project will encompass grade separation alternatives analysis, feasibility, and concept design study as well as design and construction of short-term crossing improvements on CSX right-of-way.

Project Narrative Link

Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description

Add transit, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), pedestrian and bicycle improvements on a 20-mile corridor in Baltimore City and Baltimore County, MD. The RAISE grant will fund at least ten miles of dedicated bus lanes, transit signal priority, bus stop amenities, curb bump-outs, bioretention facilities, signal improvements, real-time signage, ADA improvements and a bicycle lane along this corridor.

Project Narrative Link

Grant Program

Low- No

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description

MTA will receive funding on behalf of Anne Arundel County to buy diesel-electric hybrid buses as part of their five-year plan to transition to a zero-emission fleet.

Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description

Construction of multi-modal transit station access improvements for Baltimore Penn Station including dedicated bus lanes on Charles Street, curb extensions at approximately 10 bus stops on Charles and St. Paul Streets, and curbside management investments adjacent to the station. Bicycle and pedestrian connectivity investments include access improvements to the Jones Falls Trail, traffic signal adjustments and crosswalk improvements on Charles and St. Paul Streets, replacement of bridge railings, installation of interactive kiosks, public plaza improvements, and a secure bicycle parking facility.

Project Narrative Link

Grant Program

Route Planning Restoration Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description

Enables MDOT MTA to evaluate the evolving needs to communities in the service area and shift from planning one Core Bus service change at a time to planning for the next five years.

Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

MTA requested funding to plan and engineer pumping stations that maximize capacity and resiliency, such as back-up pumps and alternative power sources for all seven pumping stations in the Metro Subway system in Baltimore.

Grant Program

Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)

Award Amount


Project Description: The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) and the University of Maryland will receive funding to create a plan focused on retaining homes and small businesses along the Maryland Purple Line light rail system. The plan will include strategies to address displacement caused by the new light rail line, currently under construction in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties, in low-income areas to maintain housing affordability, green space, and environmental amenities.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

State Electronic Data Collection Grant

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency

National Highway Safety Administration

Award Amount


Project Description: Funding through the SEDC program will allow Maryland State Police to improve the processes for including United States Park Police and consider including other non-state agency crash investigations for inclusion in the warehouse. A need to standardize a process to import external data to the statewide system continuously, rather than end-of-year, is a necessity.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

National Scenic Byways Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: The project is to develop and implement a scenic byway marketing program for Maryland’s 18 scenic byways in an integrated, multi-disciplinary manner. Activities include designing and printing 100,000 Maryland Scenic Byways Guidebooks and 200,000 maps; byway photography and digital assets; seven promotional videos; exterior exhibits at the I-70 Rest Areas; exterior and interior exhibits at the Sideling Hill Rest Areas; and byway advertising. 

Grant Program

Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Accessibility and Reliability Accelerator

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount



Project Narrative

Grant Program

Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Corridor Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), in partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), and the West Virginia Department of Transportation (WVDOT), through the MD-NJ-PA-WV Charging Ahead Partnership (“the Partners”) aims to align interjurisdictional plans, public outreach and emission reduction priorities to strategically and holistically deploy alternative fueling infrastructure along the I-81 and I-78 corridors. As designated Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs), I-81 and I-78 are nationally significant corridors for commuter travel and freight movement, supporting critical supply chain and first-and-last-mile freight service connections through West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant Program

Federal Fiscal Year

2025 (Round 1)

Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: This Project includes design and construction activities for a shared use path and additional bicycle infrastructure along MD 210, Oxon Hill Road, and Kerby Hill Road. Project improvements consist of approximately 2.3 miles of shared use path, 1 mile of bike lanes, and 1.3 miles of sharrows.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Pollinator-Friendly Practices (PFP) on Roadsides and Highway Rights-of-Way Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: The 2016 Maryland Pollinator Habitat Plans law aimed to restore and increase habitat for bees, birds, butterflies, and other wildlife. This law requires that Maryland’s Departments of Natural Resources, Environmental Services, and the State Highway Administration (SHA) establish pollinator habitat plans for lands owned or managed by each agency. The SHA Pollinator Habitat Plan fulfills the requirement of this law and was established to cover rights-of-way, roadsides, medians, and other SHA-owned lands. Since the land and potential habitat under the plan is owned by SHA, the need for coordination with other state agencies is not applicable. With the proposed plan revision detailed in this application, coordination may become necessary, in which case it will be documented and incorporated into the final Plan.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: This Project will bring together SHA’s long-term goals of roadway safety and environmental stewardship with DNR’s leadership in wildlife conservation. It will address the impacts of development and habitat fragmentation to wildlife, as highlighted in the 2015-25 Maryland State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP). It will build on strategies outlined in the MDOT 2050 Statewide Transportation Plan (STP) and the Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) to minimize environmental impacts and reduce roadway fatalities. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will be a technical partner for this three (3) year project. There is no construction proposed in this application.The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), in partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), and the West Virginia Department of Transportation (WVDOT), through the MD-NJ-PA-WV Charging Ahead Partnership (“the Partners”) aims to align interjurisdictional plans, public outreach and emission reduction priorities to strategically and holistically deploy alternative fueling infrastructure along the I-81 and I-78 corridors. As designated Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs), I-81 and I-78 are nationally significant corridorsfor commuter travel and freight movement, supporting critical supply chain and first-and-last-mile freight service connections through West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Bridge Investment Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) is requesting $1.6 million from the Bridge Investment Program (BIP) to support Rethinking the I-68 Viaduct: A Plan to Reconnect Cumberland. This $2 million project will support a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study of the Interstate 68 (I-68) Viaduct. Characterized by steep grade changes and sharp curves that have contributed to years of safety and congestion issues, the Viaduct serves as a physical, economic, and visual barrier, which divides the City of Cumberland in half.

Project Narrative

Grant Program

Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: The Project provides for a comprehensive suite of improvements that will increase access to essential destinations along US 50 for the community and it has been identified as a local priority by the Town of Easton and Talbot County. The Project will include adding new sidewalks, pedestrian signals, and raised landscaped medians and removing challenging crossing areas to enhance the pedestrian experience and improve safety on an important corridor (US 50 from Dutchman’s Lane to Lomax Street) through a historically disadvantaged area.

Grant application narrative link

Grant Program

Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) – Stage 1

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description: The State Highway Administration (SHA) is seeking funding to develop a real-time work zone speed management program, which would build upon multiple existing data sources, including roadside sensors, and include new data obtained from unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The SHA, along with its peer agencies across the country, have identified Variable Speed Limits (VSLs) as a promising solution to reduce vehicular speeds and increase safety. VSLs are flexible tools that respond instantly to conditions on the ground. SHA’s SMART application proposes investigating the potential of incorporating drone data into the design and implementation of VSLs, especially near construction work zones.

Grant application narrative link

Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Description

Funding to deploy new technologies and traffic sensors for traffic prediction, signal timing, curve warning and other messaging to improve safety and mobility along 113 miles of U.S. Route 50.

Project Narrative Link

Grant Program


Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency


Award Amount


Project Narrative

SHA will complete final design of a hybrid living shoreline for three sites along MD 249 on or near St. George Island in St. Mary's County. Site 1 is along the southbound lane of MD 249 near O'Connors Lane and Sheaffer Lane. Site 2 is along the southbound lane of MD 249 at the southern approach to the St. George Island Bridge. Site 3 is along the southbound lane of MD 249 at the southern end of Piney Point approaching St. George Island. Three different concepts to address coastal flooding and shoreline erosion at the project sites were developed through a feasibility study. The preferred concept identified by the feasibility study was a hybrid living shoreline because it would be able to address tidally influenced flooding and 25-year storms more successfully than the other alternatives, and offer protection to MD 249 from shoreline erosion by reducing wave heights and energy that contribute to overtopping and degradation. The scoping project will include completion of the final design of a hybrid living shoreline for the three sites along MD 249 and associated NEPA documentation, public involvement, and permit coordination. The final design process will consider additional risk to residential. natural, and infrastructure. Public and stakeholder input and risk concerns will be sought during the design process. Additionally, SHA is interested in utilizing this scoping project as a pilot that can be replicated for incorporating living shoreline improvements into other areas experiencing flooding related hazards.

Grant Program

Low-Carbon Transportation Materials (LCTM) Grants Program

Federal Fiscal Year


Federal Agency

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Award Amount


Project Description: Project Description: The project will accelerate the adoption of low-carbon materials and products with lower embodied GHG emissions on federal-aid eligible construction projects in Maryland. With support from FHWA, MDOT can expedite decarbonization by launching pilot projects that will position Maryland to scale up its use of these materials to meet its climate goals. MDOT is requesting LCTM funding to promote and facilitate the use of the following eligible material categories: asphalt mixtures, concrete and cement, steel, and glass.

Project Narrative
