Commuter Choice Maryland Webinars 

Program Overviews

Employer Partner Program

Introducing our free program that supports and recognizes any Maryland employer's efforts to offer commuting options.
Employer Partner Webpage


A Winning Commute with incenTrip!

July 12, 2023
Learn about the free incenTrip app and new ways to earn more rewards for your commute! Featuring special guest Dan Sheehan, Transportation Operations Program Manager for the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.
Webinar Slides

Maryland Green Registry Commuter Choice Challenge

May 10, 2023
Learn about the annual Maryland Green Registry Challenge - this year's focus is on employer commuting programs! Co-hosted by Commuter Choice Maryland and Laura Armstrong, Director of the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) Sustainability Program.
Webinar Slides


Financial Benefits of Telework: Business Telework Assistance Grant and the Maryland Commuter Tax Credit

December 14, 2022
Learn about two financial incentives for telework programs offered by the Maryland Department of Commerce and the Maryland Department of Transportation. Co-hosted by Commuter Choice Maryland and Sarah Sheppard, J.D., M.P.A.
Webinar Slides

Insights on the return to onsite work: Behavior Change Perspectives on Trying a New Commute

October 26, 2022
This webinar features special gues David Straus, Executive Director of the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) who gives a national perspective on what employers can do to encourage employees to consider their options as they return to worksites.
Webinar Slides

Insights on the Return to Onsite Work: Trends, Employer Engagement, and TDM Benefits

August 31, 2022
Hear from guest speaker Julie Bond, Program Director for Best Workplaces for Commuters.
Webinar Slides

Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Plan

May 25, 2022
Hear about Maryland's electric vehicle programs and planning from guest speaker Dan Janousek, Regional Planner with the Maryland Department of Transportation.
Webinar Slides

Business Benefits of Bike and Walk Friendly Workplaces

May 19, 2022


incenTrip in Maryland

November 18, 2021
Learn about the features of incenTrip, a new app that informs and rewards commuter choices, which has recently been expanded so anyone in Maryland can use it!
Webinar Slides

The Benefits of Having a Bike Friendly Business

August 18, 2021
Hear from special guest and Commuter Choice Maryland Employer Partner, Dr. Shayne Boucher from Thermo Fischer Scientific, who gives an exciting overview of the company's bikeshare program and some insights to bikeshare trends. Webinar Slides

Spotlight on Love to Ride Central Maryland Program

April 28, 2021
Learn about a bike challenge for the whole Central Maryland region!
Webinar Slides

Capital COVID-19 Snapshot: Return to Work Survey

February 10, 2021
Learn about the survey results and insights provided by Greater Washington Partnership - how does your workplace align with these trends?
Survey Project Page

Maryland Statewide Transit Plan

January 21, 2021
Hear updates from the Maryland Department of Transportation.
Webinar Slides


Maryland Business Best Practices: Benefits of a Bike Work Culture

July 10, 2020
Webinar Slides

Reflections of Remote Work Life During COVID-19: Key Takeaways, Lessons Learned, and Commuting Impacts

June 5, 2020
Webinar Slides

Remote Work Life During COVID-19: A Work-Life Balance Program

May 21, 2020
Webinar Slides

A Regional Perspective on Remote Work

May 13, 2020
Webinar Slides

Shifting the Paradigm to Remote Work

May 5, 2020
Webinar Slides

A Small Business Owner’s Reflections on Teleworking During COVID-19

April 30, 2020
Webinar Slides

Getting the Most Out of Commuter Benefits

January 22, 2020


Tools to Apply Commuter Benefits

October 16, 2019

Employee Commute Options When Planning a Business Relocation

August 20, 2019

Implementing Telework, Alternative Work Schedules, and Vanpools

March 13, 2019


The Maryland Commuter Tax Credit and Commuter Benefits

December 2018