Key Bridge Commuting Resources 

The Key Bridge collapse has disrupted traffic and commuting patterns for Maryland residents, employees, and employers; the effects are being felt immediately around the bridge and regionally as traffic patterns shift. MDOT is working to help everyone get where they need to go, and identifying services that may be needed now to help Marylanders during this difficult time.

MTA CityLink Navy bus on Pratt Street in Baltimore, MD

Below are free resources for employees and employers including program information, incentives, and support from Commuter Choice Maryland to find, use, and implement commuting options.

For Commuters

Don't forget to check out our new website!

For Employers

General Commuting Tips

  • Reduce vehicle trips when possible, especially during peak travel times. Telework, compressed work week arrangements and flexible work schedules can help reduce traffic congestion.
  • Consider alternatives to driving alone if you must drive in the impacted areas. Options to carpool, vanpool, or use transit can save time and money for commuters and employers.
  • Try biking, walking, transit, and micromobility but if they are not options for your commute, try them for your local and non-work trips.
  • Stay informed on travel times, plan ahead, and allow yourself extra time whether commuting to work, school, going to doctor’s appointments, or other trip purposes.

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