MDOT Benefits 

Pay Rate

Salaries are determined according to job classification and pay grade. Classification levels are well-defined to provide employees with valuable information for career planning. The salary structure includes 27 grades, each grade contains 24 incremental steps.

Direct Deposit

Employees are advised at the time they are hired that their net pay will be paid via direct deposit to their financial institution, unless specified otherwise.

Health Benefits

Employees are given the opportunity to join a State subsidized health insurance plan. Health benefits include a variety of options:

  • Choice of several major medical plans
  • Vision
  • Term Life insurance
  • Dental
  • Prescription
  • Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
  • Accidental death and dismemberment plan
  • MyMDCARES - 24/7 mental health support

Retirement Benefits

Employees participate in a contributory defined benefit pension plan. Employees are also eligible to participate in a supplemental retirement plan: the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan or the 401(k) Savings and Investment Plan.

Leave Benefits

Annual Leave
The amount of annual leave earned depends on the length of the employee’s State service. Annual leave is earned in the following increments:

  • 0-5 years employment = 10 days per year
  • 6-10 years employment = 15 days per year
  • 11-20 years employment = 20 days per year
  • 21+ years employment = 25 days per year

Employees may carry-over up to 75 days of annual leave from one calendar year to the next. Upon separation from State service, employees shall be compensated for accrued annual leave (amount allowed by policy), after at least 6 months of service.

Personal Leave
Full-time employees are granted seven personal days per year. Upon hire, new employees receive 1-7 days of personal leave, determined by the date of hire.

Sick Leave
Full-time employees earn 15 days of sick leave per year. There is no limit to the number of sick days an employee may accrue or carry-over into a new calendar year. Accrued sick leave is credited to employees’ service time at retirement.

Leave Bank and Leave Donation Program

Employees may receive leave for a serious and prolonged medical condition after their leave has been exhausted. New employees are eligible to join the State Employees’ Leave Bank and are eligible to request leave after 90 days of establishing their membership. There is also a donated leave program in which employees may donate leave to co-workers for certain medical conditions.

Other Types of Leave:

  • Holidays (at least 11 per year)
  • Bereavement
  • Compensatory
  • Work Injury
  • Emergency release
  • Religious observances
  • Parental
  • Sick and Safe

Paid leave is also granted for the following: jury duty; military service or training for up to 15 work days per year; summoned court appearances, if the employee is not a party to the action nor a paid witness; and up to four hours for State Government employment exams or interviews.

Tuition Reimbursement Program

Participants in this program must be permanent employees who have successfully passed an initial probationary period. Reimbursement is at the University of Maryland per credit charge in effect at the time reimbursement is requested. Reimbursement is dependent upon the availability of funds.

Flextime and Telework

Many MDOT agencies offer their employees flexible work schedules. There is a Teleworking Program in which employees and their supervisors have an arrangement where the employees may work at home, at a satellite office, or at a Telework Center on selected work days.

Free Transit Services

Permanent MDOT employees may ride all Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) services for free. This includes:

  • Baltimore Bus, Light Rail, and Metro Subway;
  • Commuter Bus; and
  • MARC (new benefit as of July 1!).

These options are available at no cost any time of the day or evening, including weekends. A valid MDOT State ID is required, which shows "MTA," "MDOT," "MDTA," or "MDOT/MVA" printed over the Maryland flag background.

Additional Free Commuter Programs:

Part-Time Employees

All permanent, part-time employees earn salaries that are pro-rated for the number of hours worked. These employees also earn pro-rated leave. Employees who are actively employed at least 50% of the work week are entitled to receive full health insurance benefits, may join the State Employees Credit Union, and may participate in special programs offered.

State Employees Credit Union (SECU)

The Maryland State Employees Credit Union is a not-for-profit financial institution, available to State employees and their families. Services include: online banking, bill pay, certificate of deposits, checking, savings, and money market accounts and business, auto, home, and student loans.