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The Commuter Choice Maryland Employer Partner Program recognizes Maryland employers and organizations for their leadership in offering transportation benefits and creative commuting incentives to their employees. Employer Partners also receive support in their efforts to build or expand commuter benefits programs. These leadership efforts help reduce congestion, conserve energy, protect the environment and improve the quality of life of all Marylanders.
Best of all, the Employer Partner Program is free! What will you gain by joining? Click the button below to get started.
Free Commuter Program SupportCommuter Choice Maryland can support your organization with free online tools and resources to build or expand your commuter benefits program. Using surveys and data analysis, we can help your organization create a commuter program that best suits your employees. Our team can also give presentations, provide materials, and attend your events in person or virtually to help promote commuting programs and options.
Recruit and Retain Top TalentCommuter benefits can be an impactful tool in employee recruitment and retention efforts. Commuter Choice Maryland can help your organization design a program that increases your attractiveness as an employer.
Enjoy Financial Gains of Commuter BenefitsThe Federal Transportation Fringe Benefit and the recently expanded Maryland Commuter Tax Credit offer additional opportunities for your organization and your team to save money on commuting costs. Your organization may also be able to save on parking-related costs by offering commuter benefits!
Achieve Sustainability GoalsWhether your organization has goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, develop a climate action plan, achieve sustainable building or community certifications, or meet other environmental standards, encouraging commute trip reduction and sustainable transportation options can play a big part in meeting them.
Promote Your Success StoryEmployer Partners have the opportunity to present during our webinar series, and Employer Partner stories are featured in our Spotlight articles, promoted on our website and social media, and shared in our newsletters, reaching our network of thousands of employer and commuters statewide.
Earn the Recognition Your Organization Deserves!Display your Employer Partner logo on-site and digitally so that you can show your team, customers, clients, visitors, and patrons that your organization is a leader in providing transportation solutions to your employees.
Click on a logo below to find out how other employers are using commuter benefits to make a difference in their workplaces and communities.
Recognizes organizations/businesses in Maryland who lead a variety of activities and initiatives within their organization to help reduce congestion, improve the environment and facilitate economic opportunity in Maryland.
Annually, make sure to check back with a Commuter Choice Maryland representative to update your partner participation information and see what you can do to help reduce congestion, improve our environment, and facilitate economic opportunity.
Visit the Contact Us page to connect with the Commuter Choice Maryland team by phone, email, or social media.
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