On December 31, 2024, the incenTrip app was retired to make way for a new app called CommuterCash!
For program details, visit the Commuter Connections website.

What Is CommuterCash?

CommuterCash is a free app that helps you find optimal commuting options and earn cash and other rewards while you commute! Use the app to find carpool, vanpool, transit, biking, and multimodal travel options. Log your commute trips in CommuterCash and earn points that can be redeemed for cash, gift cards, or transportation credits.

Commuters traveling into the Washington, DC area (shaded area of this map) or anywhere within Maryland can earn up to $10 after completing 20 trips – or save your points to earn higher tier rewards, up to $90 in value. Rinse and repeat. It’s that simple! Up to $600 can be earned per calendar year.

Read the CommuterCash Program Guidelines for more details.

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Commute trips going to work from home (or vice versa) are eligible. Trips must occur on weekdays (Monday – Friday) during the morning peak commute times (6:30am – 9:30am) or during the afternoon peak commute times (4:00pm – 7:00pm). Only one morning and one evening trip will earn points per day.

You may find your commute trips award anywhere between 10 to 100 points. The program exists to help users find alternative commuting options to driving alone, so you’ll likely find higher point values associated with modes such as ridesharing, transit, or biking/walking as opposed to lower point values awarded for driving alone.

Point values may change over time to reflect your commuting patterns. If you’ve demonstrated superior commute savviness, the app may make it more challenging for you to earn points. Take pride in knowing that you’ve accomplished what few in the region are capable of doing: Finding a smart, sustainable commute!

No. The CommuterCash app is designed to help reduce peak period congestion during the morning and evening rush hours.

No. Only work commutes to a physical location within the peak commuting time frames are eligible for points.

Yes. While not specifically identified as a mode of travel within CommuterCash, scooter trips are recognized and categorized as bike trips within the application.

Send an email to ridematching@mwcog.org. Please identify the email address associated with your account, the type of reward you requested, and the date you requested the reward.

Email the Commuter Cash team at ridematching@mwcog.org or call 1-800-745-RIDE.

Upon registering for CommuterCash, you will also be eligible to leverage other commuter benefit programs under the Commuter Connections umbrella program. Feel free to take advantage of our other services, such as Guaranteed Ride Home, free ridematching, and more!