On December 31, 2024, the Commuter Connections and MDOT Rewards Programs in incenTrip will be retired to make way for a new app called CommuterCash! Stay tuned for more details and visit the Commuter Connections website for program updates!

MDOT and incenTrip Logos

Illustrated graphic of a city with various people using different modes of transportation

Maryland incenTrip

Inspiring and rewarding Maryland commuters

How often have you sat in traffic and thought about all the time and money you could be saving? If you live in Maryland, chances are a lot. In Baltimore alone, drivers wasted 63 hours sitting in traffic in 2019, with a congestion cost per commuter equal to $1,219 The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT)* wants to change that by reducing the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road and encouraging Maryland commuters to consider alternate modes of transportation when possible. incenTrip is a mobile app that connects users with multi-modal transportation options and rewards responsible commute trips with points that can be exchanged for cash rewards.

* Maryland is covered by two incenTrip programs: MDOT and Commuter Connections. Program eligibility is determined by your work location. The information on this website is for the MDOT program. Commuters who work in Washington, DC or in Calvert, Charles, Frederick, Montgomery, and Prince George’s counties should visit the Commuter Connections website for information about their rewards program.

Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to download the incenTrip App

Illustration of commuters using various modes of transportation

Getting Started & How to Use App:

Visit the Google Play Store and Apple App Store to download the incenTrip App

How it works

As long as you work in a qualifying location and your commute trip starts during peak hours, you can earn points in the MDOT rewards program.

AM peak hours:
6:30 am – 9:30 am
(Monday – Friday, excluding federal holidays)

PM peak hours:
4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
(Monday – Friday, excluding federal holidays)

  • Download the app and create your account
    You will be asked to enter your home and work addresses. incenTrip uses your work location to award points.

  • Plan your commute
    Enter your start and end destinations and plan a trip for now or pre-plan a trip for later. Remember that your journey must start or end with your pre-selected work location to earn points!

  • Take your trip
    incenTrip logs your trip as you travel along your route (be aware that incenTrip does not provide navigation) and awards points when you arrive at your destination.

  • Collect points and earn rewards
    Users are eligible to earn points for one morning and one event commute trip per day. Once you’ve earned enough points, you can redeem them for rewards, which are delivered to you electronically.

Earn points by regularly or occasionally commuting with the following modes:

Man Walking Icon

Save $1.40 and burn 58 calories for each mile you walk.

Biking Icon

Save $1.40 and burn 31 calories for each mile you bike.

Transit Bus Icon

Save $1.10 and reduce 411 grams of carbon emissions for each mile of transit you take.

Car with Passengers Icon

Save around $1 and reduce 205 grams of carbon emissions for each mile you rideshare.

Multimodal Icon with Walking Man, Transit Bus, and Commuter Rail

Save around $1 and reduce 205 grams of carbon emissions for each multimodal mile you take.

While the goal of incenTrip is to reduce single-occupancy vehicle commutes, driving alone might sometimes be a better option. incenTrip even allows single-occupancy vehicle drivers to earn points for each commute trip – just keep in mind that you earn the most points when you shift your behavior from driving alone to one of the other qualifying modes. The app’s eco-driving feature also allows users to earn more points for responsible driving habits like reduced braking and acceleration.


incenTrip not only improves quality of life for Marylanders by reducing overall traffic congestion, it also provides many practical benefits for individual users.

Man Walking Icon

Earn rewards
As long as you work in a qualifying location and commute during peak hours using a qualifying transportation mode, you are eligible to earn points for your trip.

Biking Icon

Avoid traffic
incenTrip makes it easy for you to take a break from the daily hassle of traffic gridlock, allowing you to reduce stress while cutting down on congestion for your fellow commuters.

Transit Bus Icon

Save money
incenTrip helps you save money on gas, parking, and overall car maintenance by providing alternatives to driving alone.

Car with Passengers Icon

Reduce your footprint
As if earning rewards, avoiding traffic, and saving money weren’t enough, incenTrip also allows you to minimize your impact on the environment by reducing transportation-related emissions.


“Commute trips” going to or from work are eligible. Trips must occur weekdays (Monday – Friday) during the morning peak commute times (6:30am – 9:30am) or during the afternoon peak commute times (4:00pm – 7:00pm). Users can only earn points for one morning and one evening trip, per day – even if you stop along the way. Each journey must start or end with the user’s pre-selected work location, which can be changed once each day, to earn points. Users can start their trip from any location; however, if multiple stops are planned, users should start their trip from the last stop before arriving at their destination. For instance, if you are meeting someone at a Park and Ride (P&R) location to rideshare (carpool/vanpool), you should start your trip at the P&R lot.

You can earn between 1 and 50 points per peak-period commute trip. The app verifies mode and departure time before rewarding points. Bicycling, Walking, Transit, Carpool, and Vanpool trips earn the most points, but even if you need to drive alone, you will still earn some points by logging those trips. Teleworking is not currently eligible for trip rewards.

Be sure to check out our new Corridor Challenges for more ways to earn points - you could earn 200-1,000 extra points for checking into Park and Ride Lots, taking transit, or carpooling on some of our region's most congested roadways!

Point values may change over time to reflect your commuting behavior and patterns. If you’ve demonstrated superior commuter savviness, the app may make it more challenging for you to earn points. Take pride in knowing that you’ve accomplished something that alludes other commuters in the region: finding a smart, sustainable commute!

incenTrip is a pre-planning trip tool that helps you determine your commute route prior to departure. It will show you real-time traffic and accident information, but it is not a navigation app and will not reroute around unexpected delays once your trip is in progress. If you need navigation during your trip, you should use the navigation app of your choice in conjunction with incenTrip running in the background to continue earning points.

During your trip, you may see a grey and green line. The grey line is the route planned by incenTrip and the green line is the route taken by the user. The app allows for fairly significant route variability. The actual route a user decides to take can deviate from the planned route and will not disqualify the users from receiving points.

You can view your rewards balance anytime by clicking on the gift icon in the app. This will show your total points balance and the menu of rewards you can redeem.

Current rewards available include a check payment, Visa gift card, Nift gift card, SmarTrip account credit, and E-ZPass Virginia account credit. To redeem a reward, select the type of reward and amount (amounts vary among rewards), then select the Redeem button. You will need to verify your contact information (and your SmartTrip or E-ZPass Virginia account information if applicable) in order for the reward to be processed and delivered to you electronically.

It is recommended that you redeem your points within six months. Though points do not currently expire, it’s possible that you could lose your points due to account inactivity.

Rideshare (carpool/vanpool) participants for the same ride may earn a different number of points. incenTrip uses advanced algorithms to identify users’ commuting behavior. Users are allocated different amounts of points based on their travel patterns. If a user utilizes ridesharing more frequently, they will receive fewer points than a user that utilizes ridesharing only on occasion.

Enter or select your origin and work destinations then select “Depart Now” or “Depart Later.” You will be given three trip options based on your preferred mode of travel (or select “more options” to see other modes of travel). Select the trip option you would like to take and select “Start” to begin your trip. The app will track your trip and end automatically when you have arrived at your destination. You will earn your points as long as you did not significantly deviate from the pre-planned route you selected. Don’t forget to start your trip as you won’t earn points unless you have trip logging turned on. Points earned during pre-planned trips will show up immediately.

You can change your work location one time per day and you can store unlimited favorite locations within the app. Manage your work location and favorite locations on the “Account” page by selecting “My Locations.” To delete, swipe to the left over a location.

Trip logging occurs when you leave the app running in the background. It will record your weekday peak-hour trips and reward you with points accordingly. You can review your trips under the “My Trips” tab the next day. Points earned through the logging module will show up the next day. You can change location settings to “only while using the app” in your device settings.

Android devices may receive notifications for trip logging. Even if a user does not plan a trip, the app will use the background logging module to reward points for eligible trips. However, you can turn off trip logging in the app, under “Settings,” “Trip Logging.”

Yes! With the new "Build Multimodal Trip" feature, you can now customize a commute trip that involves multiple options and/or driving to a Park and Ride lot that may not be part of your typical commute. Click the orange "Build Multimodal Trip" to get started and then click the orange "Plan Multimodal Trip" to select that commute option.

Yes! The new Employer Rewards Program allows employers in the DC Metro area to build a customized program to offer up to five challenges and your own rewards like company branded swag, gift cards to local shops and restaurants, discounted carpool/vanpool parking, or even paid time off!

To learn more about this new feature and get a workplace rewards program started, email ridematching@mwcog.org

The Maryland Department of Transportation is dedicated to protecting your privacy. As such, all personal information provided to the Maryland Department of Transportation and/or designated representative administering incenTrip is confidential, unless otherwise noted in the Terms of Use, and used for Transportation Demand Management or other commuter program request purposes only. Any other use of personal information is unauthorized and will be handled according to The Maryland Department of Transportation Terms of Use. The Maryland Department of Transportation and/or designated representative administering incenTrip will not share or sell your information to outside organizations or companies. Any unauthorized use of personal information by a user may result in the termination of that individual’s account and banning from all programs. Commuters determine what contact information they share with other commuters. Importantly, your home address is not given to other commuters unless you elect to share it with other commuters through your commuter profile.

As a condition of participation, the User must provide correct, current, and complete profile information.

The User must provide a valid home/mailing address. All materials will be sent to this address.

The User must provide a valid email address and download the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) incenTrip app to earn points within incenTrip.

The Maryland Department of Transportation and/or a designated representative administering incenTrip reserves the right to contact the User and/or the User’s employer to verify his/her/their participation in the Program and/or his/her/their commute behavior.

The information provided by the User will be used by the Maryland Department of Transportation and/or his/her/their designated representative to facilitate his/her/their participation in incenTrip.

The incentives offered through incenTrip are provided to applicants on a first-come, first-serve basis and that Maryland Department of Transportation and/or his/her/their designated representative has the right to terminate this Program at any time without notice.

Users may earn up to $600 per calendar year with incenTrip (Note: $600 per year maximum is inclusive of all other incentive programs administered by Commuter Connections).

If a dispute arises regarding any aspect of incenTrip, including, but not limited to, interpretation of the Program Guidelines, accuracy of the information the User provides, or the User’s eligibility to participate, the Maryland Department of Transportation and/or his/her/their designated representative shall be the final decision-maker regarding such disputes. Any decision will be final and binding on the User’s status as a User in incenTrip.

The Maryland Department of Transportation and/or his/her/their designated representative reserves the right to alter the points allocation formula and/or points redemption values at any point without prior notification to the User.

Any incentive payments received by the User from the Maryland Department of Transportation and/or his/her/their designated representative are subject to federal and state income taxes. The User is solely responsible for any liability that may result from such incentive payments.

The Maryland Department of Transportation and/or his/her/their representative reserves the right to pursue any penalties and remedies to the fullest extent of the law against a User who knowingly provides false misleading information, knowingly receives public funds fraudulently, and/or knowingly abuses the use of public funds.

The Maryland Department of Transportation and/or his/her/their representative reserves the right to refuse the User’s application, discontinue the User’s participation in incenTrip, and/or withhold incentive payment(s) if the User fails to abide by the Terms of Use.

By participating in incenTrip, the User acknowledges that he/she/they has read, understood, and agreed to the Terms of Use governing the program and certifies that he/she/they is eligible to participate and receive the incentives provided by the Maryland Department of Transportation.

By providing information to the Maryland Department of Transportation, the User understands that such information may be used by the Maryland Department of Transportation or a third party to contact the User regarding his/her/their interest in additional financial incentives, additional programs or services, or for information related to his/her/their experience using alternative modes of transportation. If the User does not wish to be contacted for these reasons, they can indicate so by checking a box when creating an incenTrip account profile.

We value your privacy

MDOT understands that data and privacy protection are important to you. incenTrip is owned and operated by local grant-funded nonprofit organizations whose missions are to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality in the Baltimore/Washington region. Information and data stored in incenTrip will remain completely private. It will never be sold or given to technology companies, advertisers, etc. Read our FAQs for more information.

Have questions?

Contact us at ridematching@mwcog.org for technical incenTrip questions. Contact MDOT Commuter Choice Maryland for any commuter questions at commuterchoice@mdot.maryland.gov

MDOT initiated incenTrip to help reduce traffic congestion and emissions by incentivizing Marylanders who use alternatives to driving alone when commuting to and from work. We’re interested in hearing about your experience using the app. Contact us at the email address above and let us know what you think.

Imagine all the new adventures you’ll experience when you choose a smart commute!

incenTrip Logo Graphic

Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to download the incenTrip App

Your information and data stored in incenTrip will remain completely private. It will never be sold or given to technology companies, advertisers, etc.