Maryland’s Attainment Report on Transportation System Performance 

The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) is responsible for building, operating, and maintaining a safe and seamless multi-modal transportation network. To accomplish this, the Maryland Transportation Plan (MTP) establishes a 20-year vision through a series of Statewide goals and objectives. To track MDOT's progress on meeting these goals and objectives, MDOT publishes an annual Attainment Report on Transportation System Performance (AR) to identify successes, challenges, and strategies for improving the transportation services delivered to Maryland residents. This website reports on a the Annual Attainment Report and includes historical performance data, information on recent actions taken to improve performance and a summary of key future strategies planned to further improve performance.

The cover of the 2025 Attainment Report

The Attainment Report is organized by Goals. You may explore the Attainment Report by viewing one or more of the goals from within the report:

Maryland’s Attainment Report Advisory Committee